Welcome to Neptunuskliniken

Neptunusklinken is a primary health care centre located at Sjöallén 12  in Varberg.

If you are visiting Varberg as a tourist and are in need of medical treatment you are welcome to contact us.

To book an appointment contact us by phone: 0340-160 16.

The phone is open:

8:00-11:00 a.m, 1:30-3:30 p.m on weekdays
10:00 a.m - 3:00 p.m on weekends and public holidays 

Patient fees
If you are a holder of an European Health Insurance Card (citizen from EU/EES countries) it entitles you to acute medical treatment at the same fee as a swedish citizen, 200 SEK.
If you don't have a valid European Health Insurance Card, or if you are from a country outside of EU, the fee for a medical consultation is 2044:- SEK.

Please always bring your passport and the European Health Insurance Card to the appointment.